Secure and simple crypto payment processing solution for merchants

Discover how simple it is to start accepting crypto with CryptoSwift


How CryptoSwift works

  • STEP 1
    Download our app
  • STEP 2
    Enter fiat price
  • STEP 3
    Choose crypto currency to pay with
  • STEP 4
    Follow simple onscreen payment instructions
  • STEP 5
    CryptoSwift performs end-to-end processing in the background
  • STEP 6
    Merchant receives the earlier-set fiat price directly into their account
No crypto price risk to the merchant

CryptoSwift fully hedges the crypto transaction, ensuring that the merchant will receive the fiat price.

Like any other ordinary currency

CryptoSwift enables merchant to accept crypto like it is just another ordinary currency, and receive in his bank account the fiat funds.

Supports AML processes

Merchant can KYC customers through CryptoSwift’s seamless integration with an industry-leading identity verification platform.

CryptoSwift supports invoice issuance

Merchants can send their customers invoices from the CryptoSwift app to enable payments in crypto.

Analytical platform for enhancing merchant business performance

Flexible analytics dashboard design enables merchants to track and review all historical transactions as well as generate aggregated analytical reports.

Supports multiple crypto and fiat currencies

CryptoSwift supports Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether and USDC as well as transfers to merchants in GBP, USD and EUR.

Build for the security of your funds

CryptoSwift does not hold merchants’ funds for more than minutes, processing and moving them to a merchant’s own fiat bank account. Whilst in process, merchants’ funds are protected by industry-leading cybersecurity practices.

Faster & cheaper

Faster & cheaper than regular wire transfers or credit card payments.